Stephen Robinovitch

Stephen Robinovitch

The dignity of risk and falls in older adults (Dr. Stephen Robinovitch)

Stephen Robinovitch | Preventing falls and injuries in older adults | ISB/ASB 2019 Invited Talk

Video analysis reveals how and why the elderly fall

How to prevent falls

Predicting and Preventing Falls using Technology

The Future of Dynamic Neuroscience: In Conversation with Dr. Viktor Jirsa

Falling in the name of science. Postdoc edition

Afternoon Concurrent Session 3 - AGED CARE

Are we giving falls the respect they deserve? Role of the nervous system and the Care Pathway

Falling in the name of science

Thinking Outside the Box: Implementation of a Virtual Fall Prevention Clinic

Arthritis Research Education Series Ep. 7 - Preventing Falls in Older Adults Webinar

Falling in the name of science. Part 2

Mobility Aids as a Falls Risk Factor for People Living with Dementia

Strategies to prevent falls & fall-related injury: Fundamental evidence to real-world implementation

ESB Online Sessions 2020 : Doctoral Thesis in Biomechanics Award - Runner Up

Get inspired by a professor: Eling de Bruin

11/14/2021 Sensemaya from Canciones por Las Americas

Soundchants (Ta Tikee Tei) by Sid Robinovitch

BCH Surgeon: Injury Prevention Tips for the Bolder Boulder

La prévention des chutes

Dignity of Risk

Prayer Before Sleep (Sid Robinovitch) Learning Video